Green feather earrings that I got from my friend. Thank you, gorgeous!
Speaking off, today I did some successful shopping... Zara fake fur coat and Mango coat/raincoat coming up. And since now, they are both hanging in my closet, waiting their time.
Some Avon nailpolish that a friend of mine gave to try it on my nails... I first felt like trying the metal color one and the result came just perfect. Now the nailpolish of the color of metal is on top of my list...
Jennifer Lopez shorts Christine collection shirt Bulboxer wedges Vintage suspenders
Finally I got to wear a few days back these suspenders with golf game motif that I bought somewhen in summer at a local vintage boutique... So cool. Ok, but for now I am getting ready to go out, look around in some shops and check out the sales.
Got these amazing Lea foscati boots and I just can make a confess... I cannot resist wearing them at home. The real price was about 230 euros but, I am lucky, I got it with discount. But to be honest, there was the other pair of boots I had an eye on, but it was not my size, so after I got little upset, I came across to these ones... Every cloud has a silver lining, I guess.
Besides, this new Vogue issue has a lot of to show... Found lots of stunning things and yeah, Gisele is one of them.
Hey! I just really want to show you what great sushi I made today. I had been planning for this so long and despite the fact, that I have been sick all week, I found time today. And I did a great shot, even homemade sushi can be as good as in Japanese restaurants...
I have an exam in two days, so I do not have much time for some proper updates, but I hope I have my flu gone and done with exams as soon as possible...